Sunday, December 4, 2016


For centuries there has been a great divide between the Eastern religious ideology of Enlightenment and the Western religious ideology of Abrahamism.

    It is of my own never ending wonder and speculation as to why there is such a great divide between the duo and even  greater speculation as to why nobody seems to pay attention to these differences.

Questions that tend to arise, are:

who suppresses this?

why is it not made public and made aware to the public of such a difference?

Which soon births question like, do people get payed for its suppression?
 If so who?

Why is there  a need for such  suppression?

One does not have to be a rocket scientist to know that this is a matter of not so much local but global proportions.

 But out of sight out of mind right?

   Within these words we will expand upon the differences between western Abrahamism and
eastern enlightenment.why the divide is there. And what needs to be done in order for humanity to be detoxed of the toxins of deterioration religion.

depiction of the sacrificial lamb
or age of the rising sun.

  1. God creates us and we are always infinitely below him.
  2. Our soul was created by god at a specific time in the Past(momentary of conception)and that we did not exist before then.
  3. Abrahamism is non evolutionary. Abrahamism simply states that we are non evolutionary;that we are created beings, that we only get one mortal lifetime and then depending on our devotion to the abrahamic god or otherwise, you are either rewarded an immortal reward in heaven or an immortal punishment in hell. (Also known as the carrot and stick method) 
  4. Utterly opposes science.
  5. Denounces intelligence and speaks of it as the "fall of man" it is wrapped around the written words that eve took the apple from the snake containing "knowledge similar to gods" and that they were not suppose to eat of the fruit simply because of the premises. that they would be like "us (Like gods?).
  6. Earth is the center of an infinite universe based off of the premises that humanity is gods favored creation and above all has to be the center of all creation. (Scientist soon reveal that it is not the earth but the sun that is in the center.)
  7.  Denies any similarities between us and god. It sais that we are created in gods image but then sets out to demolish that idea by reducing us to less than ants in comparison with god "you are but a grain of sand in a vast dessert"
  8. Rejects knowledge, logic, reason, philosophy, mathematics and any culture, literature and art that in any way offends their beliefs.
  9.  Faith and scripture is all that counts. Reason in the past by abrahamist is referred to as being the devils whore.
  10. Sin is real.(Was actually a concept used to influence divine feminine worshipers in ancient days to convert them from praise of the moon to praise of the sun,a more masculine worship that would soon result in the imbalanced mind of today's world.)
  11. We are all weak, depraved, worthless sinners and our only hope is to ally ourselves with the source of infinite power and goodness-god.
  12. Whatsoever in ones own will and understanding is evil and that there is no genuine will other than that of the abrahamic god.
  13. The vast majority of souls go to hell (about 99%)
  14. Abrahamism has simply only survived for a number of reasons . . .them being; 1.) Appealing to emotion rather than reality, 2.)Avoids complex thought that requires high intelligence. 3.)Carrot and stick method. 4.) Relentlessly indoctrinated mind controlled children from birth in the expectancy that each generation brainwashes the next. 5). Personal and community identity is centered around the religion so to abandon your religion would mean to lose your identity. 6.) Is regarded as normal and healthy or "moral" 7.) Supported by those in power.


  1. Evolutionary, We are god but we don't know it. that we have to evolve this realization over many lifetimes (via reincarnation).
  2. There is no intrinsic evil.
  3. We find deliverance from our woes not by worshiping god, but by becoming god by overcoming ignorance, delusions, and desires that lock us in a false reality.
  4. God does not create the universe rather god and the universe are the same substance, everything is an aspect of god, but everything doesn't understand that.
  5. There is no creator and no creation. The cosmos comes from god exist in god and will return to god. 
  6. Every soul achieves liberation in the end. Some achieve it sooner and some later, but there is a 100% success rate. 
  7. A  soul gets as many chances as it needs to achieve realization.
  8. The central idea in enlightenment is not that we are wicked and unworthy but that we are deluded and ignorant from the truth, and the victims of powerful desires and illusions. That we must overcome our lower selves and become our higher selves, at which point we will enter into union with god.
  9. Easterners are not saved from sin but from the illusory nature of their own, individual existence. That we live in a phenomenal world of suffering, and must strive to reach the nominal reality beyond suffering and separation were a blissful state of union with god is achieved.
  10. Comes close to being forms of pantheism and nature worshiping hence the premises: God is in everything, god is everywhere.Which can result into over indulgence of anything such as drugs, sex, and overeating. And if you are on the opposite side of enlightenment that sais the world around is is simply an illusion it encourages one to eventually deprive himself of sex, food, and experience and communication with the rest of the world. conefines oneself to sitting under a tree for many hours of the day.Both sides of enlightenment can delusionaly do the opposite of what is meant, Sending oneself further in a type of enlightened suffering which in fact is very contradicting than wat they set out to do.
  11. Exhibits a certain indifference to the suffering of others (Since all suffering is karmically merited).
  12. Promotes acceptance of inequality of hierarchies (the abominable caste system).
  13. Associated with the absence of passion, suppression of desire, a withdrawal from the world, a lack of engagement. hence it is a ghostly religion of people sitting under trees their entire life.
  14.      As you can see from a disassociated point of view the eastern narrative is vastly superior too the western, but . . .for various reasons, it certainly hasn't provided any terrestrial nirvana, unlike the westernized ideology.

     It seems intrinsicaly impossible to create any kind of logical religion that doesn't form to the Abrahamic or Enlightenment pattern.

     As for the narrative western atheistic scientific materialism, which claims that the cosmos has sprang up from nothing and that dead mindless matter had somehow given rise to life and conscious minds through some unknown process. Existence in this view technically has no fundamental point or goal. Therefore, nobody finds this as an inspirational world view. simply because it is emotionally cold, sterile and disturbing. As it outlines the existence of life to be equal to or below 0 value.

   The vast problems with both of these religious ideology, is that they are built under the wrong premise (if, any at all). There is no precision of mathematics, they both contradict the sciences and both go against natural reasoning.

     "So there is the question that is there and view that can actually deliver paradise on earth, and a vastly superior human race?"

why . . .yes.

    This lies within the western religions that were sent into oblivion by Abrahamism, which are based on the simple fact that, all who were opposed and contradictory to the slave master theory of Abrahamism were: the mystery religions of ancient Greece, the mystery schools, esoterism, dionysianism, orphism, mithraism, hermeticism, alchemy, gnosticism, catharism, templarism, rosicrucianism, all initiatory religions and secret societies. All of these alternatives include the precision of numbers, blueprints of the stars, an emotional truth as well as a reasonable truth. These religions branch from the vast knowledge of the Alexandrian Library, which is a place where Alexander went to after he took over Egypt. This place is where the other regions brought all of their knowledge and eventually, this library became degraded and demolished with the upcoming dominion of the Catholic church.

     Some would wonder how we can go about changing the narrative view of the world into one that is constructed in the center principle that everyone has the potential to become god, not in the far far distant future but within the span of just one or two lifetimes. The idea of being inherently sinful should be replaced with the realization that we are all inherently divine. It is time to stop the practice of humans on begging on their knees and end the ultimatum of eternal punishment. We, all of humanity, should instead be engaged in global Alchemy.

-Transforming the raw material of themselves into the most shining precious gold of divinity.

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