Thursday, November 24, 2016


It is little known that the christian belief is one thatimplements the covert and traditional ways of the Egyptian god Osiris, also know as the Aeon of Osiris taking place in 166 BC-1990AD.

Depiction of the reincarnation of osiris
    It is known as the Aeon  of the dying sun because after the Aeon of Isis it was delved upon as to what happened to the sun as it seemed to descend into some type of underworld. Because it was less seen and went unnoticed during the winter solstice, this also being the time that the christian persona Jesus died and rose. (3 days covertly meaning three months) if you have not noticed just yet, Jesus is being depicted as the dying sun.

    Osiris is usually distinguished as the god of the afterlife, the underworld, & the dead, but
more appropriately as the god of transition, resurrection, and regeneration. He was classically depicted as a green-skinned man with a pharaoh’s beard, partially mummy-wrapped at the legs, wearing a distinctive crown with two large ostrich feathers at either side, and holding a symbolic crook and flail.
In this Aeon people were more advanced in  agriculture and the role of the  Sun in growing crops. Also the role of men was more widespread in the birth process. So from this, just as the sun (masculine) was important for life on earth(feminine), so man was important in the birth of a child.
    In this period there was a growing fascination with death rather than the mystery that life brings and they even thought the Sun died at night in the west and was reborn in the east and also that it became weaker in the winter time. Links were made between Man (the Sun) & woman (the Moon) and human sacrifices were made to the Gods with thee religious people having elevated power of the common people. Eventually human sacrifices were replaced by animal sacrifices and then we had the ritual of the bread and wine.
Depictionof Isis

   Yet this has not been the only Aoen that has
occurred, there is also the Aeon of  Isis taking place 
within 10,996B.C.-8830B.C which has come before the Osiris Aeon. when the feminine entity was the more worshiped or her life giving natural born gift.
   She represented a time of the divine feminine and was the human embodiment of the earth giving forth life. Life was seen to be given birth from the earth and from woman,  with the woman having the         cycles of birth.

        Then there is the Aeon which being the Aeon of Horus taking place around 1990 AD+
Horus is the son of Isis and Osiris & is associated with the age of Aquarius.
Thoth tarot depiction of Babylon
the seven headed beast.
Thoth tarot depiction of the
Aeon of horus.
    The Aeon of Horus is also similarly known as the crowned and conquering child and the ever-eternal Sun and continuous life. In this Aeon death is within nothing more than an illusion. The modern Aeon of Horus is portrayed as a time of self-realization as well as a growing interest in all things spiritual matters and the evolution of the soul. In 2016 we see a rise in spiritual groups and the growth                              
of vegetarianism/veganism. Alternative medicines have also evolved coupled with a growth in meditation groups and spiritual practices. it is also emphasized the need to follow ones ‘true will’ or soul direction in life. "Do what thou wilt shall the the whole of the law. love is the law, love under will." -Aliester Crowley (the predominate figure to usher in the Aeon of Horus also depicted as the beast, which hints at what and who the depiction of the beast was in the christian bible, it was the omega of the dying sun Aeon and the alpha of the conquering child" (Horus) Aeon it being demonized by the last Aeon hence "the coming of the beast"
Because with each incoming aeon follows the chaotic destruction  of the last.
     This process of ever changing Aeons depict the growth of human consciousness overtime becoming one with, and closer return to the source of light consciousness.

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