Thursday, November 24, 2016

Indigeous Black Europeans

Breaking the False Perception

The world is full of stereotypes and stigma. In a place where everything is categorized, it is very difficult to look outside the box, in order to imagine something different.

These stigmas and stereotypes seem to keep the majority from ever needing the desire to "ask questions." When a system that seeks absolute control; it is seemingly desirable to obtain complete domination over society. However, this lust for dominion subconsciously begins to change for the dictator.  

It is an odd form of irony when the liar becomes the prisoner of their own schemes; this imprisonment leads to the "liar" to desperately hope that the bystander of their schemes discovers some of the truth. Or the psychopath's desperation to show off their masterpiece. These seemingly reduces the liar's obligation to maintain the entirety of the lie. An example of this behavior or trait of a successful liar, can be found in countless of interviews of the extremely wealthy, where these individuals have confessed their distress of maintaining the burden of holding the majority of the world's wealth. These individuals shared tips and suggestions on how to fix the world's economic issues, and have reportedly shared that they admitted that being billionaires is the main problem.

In addition to the internal conflicts of the liar; it can also be stated that mankind (in its entirety) needs to know the knowledge of their origin in order to evolve. Historically, it has been proven that knowledge is the key to evolution advancement, and ignorance is the factor to mental devolution.

So in this article, we will be destroying one of the biggest false perceptions, which is: "only Caucasians are the indigenous people in Europe."

Altering Our Thinking

A brief personal story: growing up in America as a Jamaican British American was not easy. I primarily (in the US) attended predominately white schools. Through the schools I attended in the states, I was told that I was a liar for stating that my family was born in the United Kingdom. The white students were so hostile about it, that I started doubting myself, and the things that my family told me. At the age of 13, my mother took my family and I to the UK to live (she was not a fan of the American School System). And I remember the shock that I had to see how vastly diverse the UK was, and the history of black people that existed there for thousands of years, still stood. Though these discoveries are not spoken openingly; the history is still there. And it was in that period when I realized how wrong I was for ever doubting the stories passed down in my family, because the hostile white children in school bullied me to believe that my own family lied to me.

My first lesson do not let the oppressor make you doubt your family heritage.  

My story is not the only story of this, in my travels I have come across countless of others, who were made to believe that black people didn't exist in Europe. According to the oppressive societies, we only existed in Africa and in the Caribbean (primarily) because the oppressor brought us there...

That is an absolute lie.

Black history in Europe dates back thousands of years, 37,000 (if not further) before the first records of white civilizations were ever created.

The Story the Bones Tell

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