Friday, December 9, 2016


     It seems that as long as man lives religion will exist. 
     For the simple fact that religions give resonation to unconditional love, to high virtue, high aspirations and is something that motivates the man and woman to grow and become higher in being and spirit. Based on the need to pass the the abyss that seperates finite from infinite(if such a gap exist). It is this journey of progress, of virtue and exaltation of the spirit that puts man above the animal. that makes him moraly justified. It is unconditional love that had been born of religion based on the fact that it is said that to have unconditional and limitless amounts of aspects of positivity,that being limitless love, limitless aspiration, limitless motivation, limitless exaltation,etc) all having high reasonation with the spirit. It is the infinite not the finite aspect of character that is equated to the infinite way on the other side of the abyss that man wishes to resonate in and eventually become one with.

This all giving manifestation and birth to and a need for faith in something bigger and the neverending journey to be one with the limitless and unseen sublime. alas . . .when man abandons faith and sees no infinite on the other side of the abyss he diminishes in spirit and becomes victim of finite. of despair and of disconnect with the limitless way. the polarity limitless fatih being that of limitless doubt he soon becomes finite of sprirt, finite in motivation. finite of progression . . .finite in self . . .finite in identity
and lastly......finite of love.
     Then you will hear this man of doubt(wihtin reason) say "can you not blame me? For i have seen no proof! I have seen the fanaticism of faith in the unseen. I have seen what they do in the name of the unseen, how they put death to reason and fact! how their mind ,becomes nothing but a gravyard of reason and critical thinking. how theyre path is littered with bloodeshed and life of the innocent in the name of a 'holy way'. I shall not become victim to such a path"
This man does not take into consideration that nothing exist without its opposing polarity. One being of negative and the other of positive. as man should know . . . he has it within himself both ways.
As also the onlooker cannot deny the delusional polarity of religion. but alas . . .it is not without its sublime way. Its infiite way, its unconditional way of virtue and love and its spiritual exaltaion in ones ifinite self. 

     So one then would wonder "How can i have such sublime without delusion? Infinite without the finite, reasoning without delusion? The answer being that opposites will not exist without the other. but if one so wishes to find such a way of lfe.... the religion will have to be that of mathematical precision, gives birth to emotional truth as well as factual truth, and does not leave behind the reasoning of science, and yet not as emotinally cold and dead as it
"Well how shall i find such a way? And that my friend . . .is the question.
And thus begins our journey.

     I offer you three paths instead of the typical two. Yet to walk the path in the center would not mean you are of indecision but that of the opposite. The one who is in ordinance with the way  of nature understand the need for both polarities.  

     Understand that without the other the remaining one comes crashing down. It is this understanding alone that leads one out of the dualistic way of society and into the way understanding and wisdom.

Sunday, December 4, 2016


For centuries there has been a great divide between the Eastern religious ideology of Enlightenment and the Western religious ideology of Abrahamism.

    It is of my own never ending wonder and speculation as to why there is such a great divide between the duo and even  greater speculation as to why nobody seems to pay attention to these differences.

Questions that tend to arise, are:

who suppresses this?

why is it not made public and made aware to the public of such a difference?

Which soon births question like, do people get payed for its suppression?
 If so who?

Why is there  a need for such  suppression?

One does not have to be a rocket scientist to know that this is a matter of not so much local but global proportions.

 But out of sight out of mind right?

   Within these words we will expand upon the differences between western Abrahamism and
eastern enlightenment.why the divide is there. And what needs to be done in order for humanity to be detoxed of the toxins of deterioration religion.

depiction of the sacrificial lamb
or age of the rising sun.

  1. God creates us and we are always infinitely below him.
  2. Our soul was created by god at a specific time in the Past(momentary of conception)and that we did not exist before then.
  3. Abrahamism is non evolutionary. Abrahamism simply states that we are non evolutionary;that we are created beings, that we only get one mortal lifetime and then depending on our devotion to the abrahamic god or otherwise, you are either rewarded an immortal reward in heaven or an immortal punishment in hell. (Also known as the carrot and stick method) 
  4. Utterly opposes science.
  5. Denounces intelligence and speaks of it as the "fall of man" it is wrapped around the written words that eve took the apple from the snake containing "knowledge similar to gods" and that they were not suppose to eat of the fruit simply because of the premises. that they would be like "us (Like gods?).
  6. Earth is the center of an infinite universe based off of the premises that humanity is gods favored creation and above all has to be the center of all creation. (Scientist soon reveal that it is not the earth but the sun that is in the center.)
  7.  Denies any similarities between us and god. It sais that we are created in gods image but then sets out to demolish that idea by reducing us to less than ants in comparison with god "you are but a grain of sand in a vast dessert"
  8. Rejects knowledge, logic, reason, philosophy, mathematics and any culture, literature and art that in any way offends their beliefs.
  9.  Faith and scripture is all that counts. Reason in the past by abrahamist is referred to as being the devils whore.
  10. Sin is real.(Was actually a concept used to influence divine feminine worshipers in ancient days to convert them from praise of the moon to praise of the sun,a more masculine worship that would soon result in the imbalanced mind of today's world.)
  11. We are all weak, depraved, worthless sinners and our only hope is to ally ourselves with the source of infinite power and goodness-god.
  12. Whatsoever in ones own will and understanding is evil and that there is no genuine will other than that of the abrahamic god.
  13. The vast majority of souls go to hell (about 99%)
  14. Abrahamism has simply only survived for a number of reasons . . .them being; 1.) Appealing to emotion rather than reality, 2.)Avoids complex thought that requires high intelligence. 3.)Carrot and stick method. 4.) Relentlessly indoctrinated mind controlled children from birth in the expectancy that each generation brainwashes the next. 5). Personal and community identity is centered around the religion so to abandon your religion would mean to lose your identity. 6.) Is regarded as normal and healthy or "moral" 7.) Supported by those in power.


  1. Evolutionary, We are god but we don't know it. that we have to evolve this realization over many lifetimes (via reincarnation).
  2. There is no intrinsic evil.
  3. We find deliverance from our woes not by worshiping god, but by becoming god by overcoming ignorance, delusions, and desires that lock us in a false reality.
  4. God does not create the universe rather god and the universe are the same substance, everything is an aspect of god, but everything doesn't understand that.
  5. There is no creator and no creation. The cosmos comes from god exist in god and will return to god. 
  6. Every soul achieves liberation in the end. Some achieve it sooner and some later, but there is a 100% success rate. 
  7. A  soul gets as many chances as it needs to achieve realization.
  8. The central idea in enlightenment is not that we are wicked and unworthy but that we are deluded and ignorant from the truth, and the victims of powerful desires and illusions. That we must overcome our lower selves and become our higher selves, at which point we will enter into union with god.
  9. Easterners are not saved from sin but from the illusory nature of their own, individual existence. That we live in a phenomenal world of suffering, and must strive to reach the nominal reality beyond suffering and separation were a blissful state of union with god is achieved.
  10. Comes close to being forms of pantheism and nature worshiping hence the premises: God is in everything, god is everywhere.Which can result into over indulgence of anything such as drugs, sex, and overeating. And if you are on the opposite side of enlightenment that sais the world around is is simply an illusion it encourages one to eventually deprive himself of sex, food, and experience and communication with the rest of the world. conefines oneself to sitting under a tree for many hours of the day.Both sides of enlightenment can delusionaly do the opposite of what is meant, Sending oneself further in a type of enlightened suffering which in fact is very contradicting than wat they set out to do.
  11. Exhibits a certain indifference to the suffering of others (Since all suffering is karmically merited).
  12. Promotes acceptance of inequality of hierarchies (the abominable caste system).
  13. Associated with the absence of passion, suppression of desire, a withdrawal from the world, a lack of engagement. hence it is a ghostly religion of people sitting under trees their entire life.
  14.      As you can see from a disassociated point of view the eastern narrative is vastly superior too the western, but . . .for various reasons, it certainly hasn't provided any terrestrial nirvana, unlike the westernized ideology.

     It seems intrinsicaly impossible to create any kind of logical religion that doesn't form to the Abrahamic or Enlightenment pattern.

     As for the narrative western atheistic scientific materialism, which claims that the cosmos has sprang up from nothing and that dead mindless matter had somehow given rise to life and conscious minds through some unknown process. Existence in this view technically has no fundamental point or goal. Therefore, nobody finds this as an inspirational world view. simply because it is emotionally cold, sterile and disturbing. As it outlines the existence of life to be equal to or below 0 value.

   The vast problems with both of these religious ideology, is that they are built under the wrong premise (if, any at all). There is no precision of mathematics, they both contradict the sciences and both go against natural reasoning.

     "So there is the question that is there and view that can actually deliver paradise on earth, and a vastly superior human race?"

why . . .yes.

    This lies within the western religions that were sent into oblivion by Abrahamism, which are based on the simple fact that, all who were opposed and contradictory to the slave master theory of Abrahamism were: the mystery religions of ancient Greece, the mystery schools, esoterism, dionysianism, orphism, mithraism, hermeticism, alchemy, gnosticism, catharism, templarism, rosicrucianism, all initiatory religions and secret societies. All of these alternatives include the precision of numbers, blueprints of the stars, an emotional truth as well as a reasonable truth. These religions branch from the vast knowledge of the Alexandrian Library, which is a place where Alexander went to after he took over Egypt. This place is where the other regions brought all of their knowledge and eventually, this library became degraded and demolished with the upcoming dominion of the Catholic church.

     Some would wonder how we can go about changing the narrative view of the world into one that is constructed in the center principle that everyone has the potential to become god, not in the far far distant future but within the span of just one or two lifetimes. The idea of being inherently sinful should be replaced with the realization that we are all inherently divine. It is time to stop the practice of humans on begging on their knees and end the ultimatum of eternal punishment. We, all of humanity, should instead be engaged in global Alchemy.

-Transforming the raw material of themselves into the most shining precious gold of divinity.

Friday, December 2, 2016


Oh my dear mother

rest thy fears
For you have come far

Making sure life treats me sincere.
It was you 
That molded me within your womb
Within your void of infinite 
Did my spirit hath swoon
By each passing phase of the emotional moon
It is within you, I grew
Within liquid love inside of you
For I could not be if it wasn't for your 
Your nurturing serenity
A simple thank you
From me.
To you.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Indigeous Black Europeans

Breaking the False Perception

The world is full of stereotypes and stigma. In a place where everything is categorized, it is very difficult to look outside the box, in order to imagine something different.

These stigmas and stereotypes seem to keep the majority from ever needing the desire to "ask questions." When a system that seeks absolute control; it is seemingly desirable to obtain complete domination over society. However, this lust for dominion subconsciously begins to change for the dictator.  

It is an odd form of irony when the liar becomes the prisoner of their own schemes; this imprisonment leads to the "liar" to desperately hope that the bystander of their schemes discovers some of the truth. Or the psychopath's desperation to show off their masterpiece. These seemingly reduces the liar's obligation to maintain the entirety of the lie. An example of this behavior or trait of a successful liar, can be found in countless of interviews of the extremely wealthy, where these individuals have confessed their distress of maintaining the burden of holding the majority of the world's wealth. These individuals shared tips and suggestions on how to fix the world's economic issues, and have reportedly shared that they admitted that being billionaires is the main problem.

In addition to the internal conflicts of the liar; it can also be stated that mankind (in its entirety) needs to know the knowledge of their origin in order to evolve. Historically, it has been proven that knowledge is the key to evolution advancement, and ignorance is the factor to mental devolution.

So in this article, we will be destroying one of the biggest false perceptions, which is: "only Caucasians are the indigenous people in Europe."

Altering Our Thinking

A brief personal story: growing up in America as a Jamaican British American was not easy. I primarily (in the US) attended predominately white schools. Through the schools I attended in the states, I was told that I was a liar for stating that my family was born in the United Kingdom. The white students were so hostile about it, that I started doubting myself, and the things that my family told me. At the age of 13, my mother took my family and I to the UK to live (she was not a fan of the American School System). And I remember the shock that I had to see how vastly diverse the UK was, and the history of black people that existed there for thousands of years, still stood. Though these discoveries are not spoken openingly; the history is still there. And it was in that period when I realized how wrong I was for ever doubting the stories passed down in my family, because the hostile white children in school bullied me to believe that my own family lied to me.

My first lesson do not let the oppressor make you doubt your family heritage.  

My story is not the only story of this, in my travels I have come across countless of others, who were made to believe that black people didn't exist in Europe. According to the oppressive societies, we only existed in Africa and in the Caribbean (primarily) because the oppressor brought us there...

That is an absolute lie.

Black history in Europe dates back thousands of years, 37,000 (if not further) before the first records of white civilizations were ever created.

The Story the Bones Tell


It is little known that the christian belief is one thatimplements the covert and traditional ways of the Egyptian god Osiris, also know as the Aeon of Osiris taking place in 166 BC-1990AD.

Depiction of the reincarnation of osiris
    It is known as the Aeon  of the dying sun because after the Aeon of Isis it was delved upon as to what happened to the sun as it seemed to descend into some type of underworld. Because it was less seen and went unnoticed during the winter solstice, this also being the time that the christian persona Jesus died and rose. (3 days covertly meaning three months) if you have not noticed just yet, Jesus is being depicted as the dying sun.

    Osiris is usually distinguished as the god of the afterlife, the underworld, & the dead, but
more appropriately as the god of transition, resurrection, and regeneration. He was classically depicted as a green-skinned man with a pharaoh’s beard, partially mummy-wrapped at the legs, wearing a distinctive crown with two large ostrich feathers at either side, and holding a symbolic crook and flail.
In this Aeon people were more advanced in  agriculture and the role of the  Sun in growing crops. Also the role of men was more widespread in the birth process. So from this, just as the sun (masculine) was important for life on earth(feminine), so man was important in the birth of a child.
    In this period there was a growing fascination with death rather than the mystery that life brings and they even thought the Sun died at night in the west and was reborn in the east and also that it became weaker in the winter time. Links were made between Man (the Sun) & woman (the Moon) and human sacrifices were made to the Gods with thee religious people having elevated power of the common people. Eventually human sacrifices were replaced by animal sacrifices and then we had the ritual of the bread and wine.
Depictionof Isis

   Yet this has not been the only Aoen that has
occurred, there is also the Aeon of  Isis taking place 
within 10,996B.C.-8830B.C which has come before the Osiris Aeon. when the feminine entity was the more worshiped or her life giving natural born gift.
   She represented a time of the divine feminine and was the human embodiment of the earth giving forth life. Life was seen to be given birth from the earth and from woman,  with the woman having the         cycles of birth.

        Then there is the Aeon which being the Aeon of Horus taking place around 1990 AD+
Horus is the son of Isis and Osiris & is associated with the age of Aquarius.
Thoth tarot depiction of Babylon
the seven headed beast.
Thoth tarot depiction of the
Aeon of horus.
    The Aeon of Horus is also similarly known as the crowned and conquering child and the ever-eternal Sun and continuous life. In this Aeon death is within nothing more than an illusion. The modern Aeon of Horus is portrayed as a time of self-realization as well as a growing interest in all things spiritual matters and the evolution of the soul. In 2016 we see a rise in spiritual groups and the growth                              
of vegetarianism/veganism. Alternative medicines have also evolved coupled with a growth in meditation groups and spiritual practices. it is also emphasized the need to follow ones ‘true will’ or soul direction in life. "Do what thou wilt shall the the whole of the law. love is the law, love under will." -Aliester Crowley (the predominate figure to usher in the Aeon of Horus also depicted as the beast, which hints at what and who the depiction of the beast was in the christian bible, it was the omega of the dying sun Aeon and the alpha of the conquering child" (Horus) Aeon it being demonized by the last Aeon hence "the coming of the beast"
Because with each incoming aeon follows the chaotic destruction  of the last.
     This process of ever changing Aeons depict the growth of human consciousness overtime becoming one with, and closer return to the source of light consciousness.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Fact or Fiction: Dinosaurs

Fact or Fiction?

Westernized ideals teach us that millions of years ago, there existed Dinosaurs. We are taught that the dinosaurs became extinct for a variety of reasons, the main reason points to the Ice Age.

As we take a further look into the westernized concepts, we begin to uncover how many of these teachings are false. The story of the dinosaurs are no different. There are a few main reasons, of why the concept of the dinosaurs could be considered to be a fairy tale story:

Human Existence

Human existence roughly dates back to 100,000 BCE. Of course there are recent arguments to suggest that humans have existed on this planet for about 3,600,000 years. Throughout the entire timeline of human history, human beings (in all evolved forms) have demonstrated a consistency with creatively documenting their experiences through arts and craft (carvings, cave paintings, etc.)

Skeleton Remains of Lucy (3.2 million years old), the oldest human bones ever to exist. Note: the skeletal remains are incomplete, yet, scientists decorated the body to display Lucy to look like a chimpanzee (with NO evidence supporting her outer appearance)

Scientists went above and beyond the reconstruction of Lucy, to make appear that Lucy was Black and looked like a Chimpanzee, without any evidence to support the physical structure 

Regardless of what time period we consider to be the beginning of human history, human existence pre-dates the Ice Age and other major geographical changes that occurred on our planet earth (such as the major volcanic activity in the Eastern Rift)

Throughout human history, humans have left no documented images behind that would support the concept of dinosaurs or most massive prehistoric mammals that "supposedly died off" (this includes the famous Saber Tooth Tiger) **Note: there is evidence of drawings of the Mammoth. The Mammoth, unlike other prehistoric animals, would be considered a practical creature that would be in line with the natural order and design. The Saber Tooth Tiger, on the other hand, was a very impractical concept, as this animal would undoubtedly be unable to maintain itself.

Famous Chavet Cave paintings of Lions, France

One could argue, that the lack of documented evidence would be due to the fact that human beings were under developed and lacked the cognitive skills to be creative. This concept that we were not smart enough to develop creative works, could also be argued, as there is evidence that prove that creativity is the first skill under developed human beings use. It is creativity, that separates humans from the animal kingdom, or rather the level of creativity and reasoning skills that makes us who we are.

Modern Day Example: an infant who is unable to communicate verbally, will be able to develop creative items in order to exercise their level of intelligence and brain capacity. New born babies begin trying to develop things as an early method of communication. It is common, in fact, that before an infant is capable of fully seeing all colors, or is able to walk, or is able to speak, that this infant is prone to communicate easily with paint, drawings, building blocks and so on. In addition to the infant's able to communicate and express their personal desires through creative arts, infants also respond to the musical tones of their parents.

These are skills that babies are born with, that are already encoded into the child's DNA blueprint, prior to the child being influenced by the adults or older individuals around them.

This trait is consistent in history, and has existed as far back in human history as we can imagine. Adults raising children through the ages, have historically demonstrated the ability to encourage this natural traits in their children. Proof of this type of encouragement to enhance the natural creative skills of children, can be found in countless of documented stories of children who mastered creative arts from an early age (like, Beethoven, Mozart, and so on). Children were not always recorded geniuses as well. Children who followed in their parents footsteps to become carpenters, pottery makers, painters and other trades, have been recorded as been taught these skills before they were able to walk or speak. From music to visual art, children throughout history demonstrated their abilities to latch on to creative communication before they were reprogrammed to learn verbal communication.

So, if creativity has always existed in our genetics, why would our prehistoric ancestors NOT document beasts that would come after us to gobble us up in the night?

The Cartoon Movie, the Croods, depicts humans living beside prehistoric mammals that would kill them for food. A concept that is purely fictional, with no evidence of ever existing

The animation movie called the Croods, is a movie about the prehistoric humans living beside prehistoric giant mammals. The family is migrating to find a sanctuary in order to survive. This movie is created as a propaganda to support the concept that prehistoric humans were under developed, white, and fighting to survive in a world that is completely unrealistic for them to ever exist in.

If the idea of the movie Croods, is true, then why would none of the individuals document the prehistoric creatures that they came across? ... because they were idiotic? No.

Consider this: if a giant monster was coming to gobble you up, the moment you had time, you would want to describe what you had seen to others. You would want to find a way to communicate your experience. Historically, cave paintings were the tool to do just that. Prehistoric civilizations use paintings and carvings to communicate with others about their experiences, to warn others of dangers and so on.

Therefore, the ideology that humans just "plain forgot" to document enormous Saber Tooth Tigers or Dinosaurs, contradicts the documented proof of the abilities and skills of our prehistoric ancestors.

Cave Paintings of a Hunted Animal

The Argument: that dinosaurs existed before human existence?
Answer:  If this is true, then the Ice Age couldn't have been the fatality of the dinosaurs, as the human race was present in the Ice Age? (a period documented a period of ice or as a giant flood)
So what killed the dinosaurs... an asteroid? Um, no.

An asteroid big enough to wipe out the dinosaurs, would have been big enough to wipe out the entire planet. Do the calculations yourself. The amount of radiation caused by such a catalytic event, would have killed off ALL life on the planet, not just "some life" on the planet. It makes no sense that an asteroid would fall from space and wipe out a single species of beings and yet spare "some" life that would continue to exist on a planet heavily radioactive.

The argument: the radioactivity of the asteroid was the reason that life was created or mutated into what it is now?

Answer: Our solar system provides us examples of what would happen to our planet if it became radioactive. The only planet able to retain life, is Earth (Aye). All the other planets remain lifeless and highly toxic, or have no real atmosphere, and are merely gas giants. It would seem, that these planets in our solar system have not changed also throughout the entire human history, as the great prehistoric civilizations studied these planets closely (techniques which we still use to this day). Therefore these planets didn't have life then, and still do not have life on them now. So, it could assumed that once a planet becomes radioactive and toxic, it is literally and virtually impossible for life to ever exist.

Famous Cave Drawings from Around the World

Below are some of the cave drawings found around the world, that depicted the life of prehistoric civilizations. You will probably notice that there is not a single drawing of dinosaurs.

The Unrealistic Structure of the Dinosaurs

Looking at the shaping of the dinosaurs bodies, it is clear to see that their entire design was useless or unnecessary. Over exaggerated. And so on.

Example: T-Rex was said to have been a massive lizard that walked on his two legs, and had tiny little hands and a big head. Modern day lizards do not carry these traits, at all. In addition, it would be virtually impossible for the T-Rex to be able to ever catch his food. This fictional animal seems to be more of a fairy tale than actuality.

T Rex: over exaggerated body structure, that is not naturally logical. From the over size head, tiny hands, enormous legs and massive tail. Think about it: How could this animal eat or go to the bathroom? How could it even sleep or maintain itself? 

As we uncover more truths in our stories, we will begin to see the pattern in the lies, and the purpose behind them.

Every lie, holds a purpose to the liar. Black History, has been twisted and manipulated by western "archeologists" for a couple thousand years. In time, as you research about your history, you will notice what I have been noticing, which is the racism in how "our" stories are being told. As well as the manipulation in our timeline, in which it makes it appear that we have not been civilized until modern era. A method colonists used to justified our enslavement.

The story of the dinosaurs holds a similar purpose. More than likely, the fossils of these animals were a combination of many different animals in the same location. And that the "scientists" pieced them together incorrectly, because their ego was determined to prove that these animals did exist... which they did not.

The purpose behind this particular lie, could be to support the necessity of superiority or to prove that supremacy discovered something that was never documented by ancient civilizations. Or to prove to the world that supremacy holds the key knowing how we came to exist.

Supremacy knows hardly anything about where we truly come from and can only rely on fiction stories like: Dinosaurs and Religion, to keep are minds drifting off into their fairy tale.

To conclude: I ask you that you feel free to leave any comments you have about this topic. Let's talk about it.


In the process

A Start to a New Beginning

We have been working endlessly to provide our fans with resources. But while we are endlessly researching, we are also working on developing our publication. Kerne Magazine is in the works, and set to be released early 2017.

Keep up with the Jones' by subscribing to Kernepedia or following us on Facebook. (@kernemagazine)

Saturday, October 1, 2016

KNation Store

As we expand to create a platform of support, we are developing the culture of KERNE.

Without further a due, we present KNation.

An online shopping experience that hosts products associated with the KERNE project, from crystals, publications, art and more.

Click on the STORE to learn more

The Expansion section is a database of information pertaining to KMT development. In this section, users can explore the timeline of KMT history, explore the topics and comments; learn more about spirituality, study up on E-Files related to KMT development, and so on. Feel free to browse through the Expansion sections by clicking the links below or use our site search bar to find a specific subject.

search engine by freefind

Brief Description
Collection of E-files
External Link, to natural beauty care blog
Chronology timeline of black history
Learn more about the spiritual ascension

The Expansion section is constantly growing, so we are always looking for additional feedback, suggestions, requests or article submissions to meet the needs of our community.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

When Your Ancestors Have Your Back

The more your learn about the story of your ancestors, the closers your ancestors will move towards you. Keep learning about the mysteries of your forgotten history. A'se

Saturday, September 10, 2016


The Ethiopian National Anthem is the Anthem Marcus Garvey selected to represent our liberation globally.

Lift Every Voice and Sing with Lyrics

Lift Up Your Voice & Sing


Lift every voice and sing
Till earth and heaven ring
Ring with the harmonies of Liberty;
let our rejoicing rise,
high as the list'ning skies, let it resound loud as the rolling sea
sing a song full of faith that the dark past has tought us,
sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us;
facing the rising sun of our new day begun,
let us march on till victory is won.

Stony the road we trod,
bitter the chast'ning rod,
felt in the day that hope unborn had died;
yet with a steady beat,
have not our weary feet,
come to the place on witch our fathers sighed?
we have come over a way that with tears has been watered,
we have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered,
out from the gloomy past, till now we stand at last
where the white gleam of our star is cast.

God of our weary years,
God of our silent tears,
thou who has brought us thus far on the way;
thou who has by thy might,
led us into the light,
keep us forever in the path, we pray
lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met thee,
lest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world, we forget thee,
shadowed beneath the hand,
may we forever stand,
True to our God,
True to our native land

Thursday, September 8, 2016

"Cosmic consciousness"

"Oh how the suns solar rays praise the earth...
Ironic form of mutuality,
As the sun grabs the earth in it's molten hands
Hugs it tightly within its grasp
A sign of mutual respect between entities,
As one needs the other yet...  
At times the sun can be to much of a
"Warm Welcome"
and be somewhat of a little overbearing, like a friend who gives no breath of air.
Hence the phrase;
"Some people are good to have around yet in small doses"

Monday, September 5, 2016

KERNE Magazine on Facebook

Join Us on Facebook, to keep up with the latest trends, discussions and  the progress of KERNE:

Our Story

The KERNE Project, started off as an Awareness Magazine based in Seattle. The founder, L. Michel with a team of producers, photographers and musicians, were determined to create a publication for the black community in the Northwest. As the project developed, many things began to change. The demand from the community became more apparent that a platform that documented their story, as well as helped them navigate forward, was more important than the original design. The publication continued more as an online/social media based organization, that would provide insight on the information missing in the story of the black community. As the project expanded, the KERNE team created Kernepedia, presentations, video series, educational pictures and articles, to further expand the minds of our community.

Who Are We?

Before we get into describing who we are, let us first acknowledge that our name is of Irish background. Even though, the name originates from Irish tongue, it is not of a supremacist legacy. We represent all of the roots of melanated legacy.

Kerne is defined as a band of foot soldiers. We are not a band of supremacist propaganda but a band of melanated foot solider delivering the message. We have been told that our name should "sound" of Kemet origin. But we believe that to limit our title on the bases of oppressive stereotyping would actually mean that we would therefore have to ignore millions of years of history, that our ancestors bestowed upon this earth. We refuse to represent the oppressive stigma which has kept our community in the dark for almost a thousand years. We, KERNE, choose to represent a rich legacy attached to our bloodline.

We are taking back our legacy of forgotten history, as well as providing our followers with a clear direction towards building a greater future.

The letters in KERNE, also stands for:
  • K represents Knowledge: Empowering the community with information to develop stability and security
  • E represents Endurance: In order to remain empowered, we believe in educating our community in wellness and health
  • R represents Remembrance: We believe that in order to go forward, we must first understand where we came from
  • N represents Navigation: We put our heart and soul into developing a way to lead our community to spiritual ascension and self awareness
  • E represents Experience: The experience that we bring to our community from all of our efforts
Everything we construct (from videos, presentations, stories, articles, publications, etc.) all reflect these five focal points.

What Do We Believe?

We believe that in order to progress, we need to change the overall perception of our community. We have discovered that in order to change the perception of our community, we needed to implement this project platforms designed to broaden our mind.

Join the Movement

We are looking for individuals interested in joining the KERNE project. We are looking for anyone interested in sharing KMT information that they have uncovered or freelance volunteers.

If you are interested in joining our movement of "expanding the minds of our community", feel free to contact us.
